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  • Writer's pictureIIDEA Limited

IIDEA Manufacture Ti-Damp® Isolation Feet

Updated: Jul 10

IIDEA Limited are proud to announce we are partnering with a Sheffield based design company to manufacture Ti-Damp® Hi-Fi speaker isolation feet. We will be manufacturing these high-end audiophile hi-fi speaker and hi-fi separates isolation feet for use in premium audio systems. Two different designs of the isolation feet have been produced to isolate both hi-fi speakers and hi-fi separates reducing vibration re-entering the system and also preventing unwanted noise transmission through speakers and back into the floor.

Ti-Damp are a Sheffield based design company creating designs for the high-end audiophile market
Ti-Damp vibration reducing Hi-Fi isolation feet

The feet have been designed by Sheffield based Ti-Damp® and are being manufactured by IIDEA Limited from titanium alloy which is well known for its almost unique vibration absorption characteristics. Also available in the same range are turntable isolation spikes manufactured from the same aerospace grade titanium with the same vibration attenuation properties.

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